$44 USD

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Reclamation Masterclass


You have found this masterclass because YOU have a right to a thriving, fulfilling, rich life and it's time to RECLAIM that right! 


RECLAMATION is a live 60 minute, potent masterclass with Emily that includes lifetime access to the recording and slides. We will discuss the ways that colonization impacts the BIPOC community's relationship with wealth and success and the 4 steps to reclaiming our birth right to thrive!  

Emily teaches manifesting wealth and success in a holistic, decolonized way that addresses you Spirit, Mind, Body & Emotion (The Medicine Wheel Approach). She is an Indigenous author, speaker & mentor specializing in self worth and soul expression.  

This masterclass will also include a credit toward working with Emily & a very special offer and bonus for an exciting new program coming this May 2022!

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